Titles & Dedications
compiled by Ruth Heredia
While the titles of some of Sabatini's books
are addressed by the words in bold print on the covers, others are
referred to by a shortened version of that title, usually by
truncating a subtitle. This elimination can sometimes cause readers
to miss subtleties in plot and structure of the book. (For instance,
in calling his book Captain Blood: His Odyssey Sabatini was
no doubt referring to Homer's Odyssey, not just in scope, but in the
heroism of the title character. This list also includes the dedications
that made in his books. Most are obvious or documented in the addendum
(bottom of this page) although we have not yet fleshed out some of
the initials. If you have Sabatini book not listed that has a subtitle
or dedication, please email the
- The Lovers of Yvonne/The Suitors of Yvonne
- Being a Portion of the Memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes
- The Tavern Knight
- To R. G. D.
- Bardelys the Magnificent
- Being on Account of the Strange Wooing pursued by the
Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol; Marquis of Bardelys, and of the things that
in the course of it befell him in Languedoc, in the year of the Rebellion
- a Miei Genitori
- Love-at-Arms
- Being a narrative excerpted from the chronicles of Urbino
during the dominion of the High and Mighty Messer Guidobaldo da Montefeltro
- To My Wife
- The Shame of Motley
- Being the Memoir of Certain Transactions in the Life of
Lazzaro Biancomonte, of Biancomonte, sometime Fool of the Court of Pesaro.
- Anthony Wilding /Arms and the Maid /Mistress Wilding
- To Rafael-Angelo
- The Lion's Skin
- To Henry Hamilton
- The Life of Cesare Borgia
- Of France, Duke of Valentinois and Romagna, Prince of
Andria and Venafri, Count of Dyois, Lord of Piombino, Camerino and Urbino,
Gonfalonier and Captain-General of Holy Church
A History and Some Criticisms
- The Justice of the Duke
- To Lancelot and Martha Dixon
- The Strolling Saint
- Being the Confessions of the High & Mighty Agostino
D'Anguissola, Tyrant of Mondolfo & Lord of Carmina, in the State
of Piacenza
- The Gates of Doom
- A Romance
- The Sea-Hawk
- To Francis R. Pryor
Who Sent me A-Sailing from Falmouth to the Coast of Barbary
- The Banner of the Bull
- To Herbert and Marguerite Bunning
- The Historical Nights' Entertainment, Series 2
- To David Whitelaw [see below]
- Scaramouche
- A Romance of the French Revolution
- Captain Blood
- His Odyssey
- The Carolinian
- To J. E. Harold Terry [see below]
- Bellarion the Fortunate
- A Romance
- The Reaping
- [I do not have access to a copy. ~ Ruth]
My Dear David,
Since the narratives collected here as well as in the preceding volume under
the title of the Historical Nights Entertainmentnarratives originally
published in The Premier Magazine, which you so ably editowe their
being to your suggestion, it is fitting that some acknowledgment of the fact
should be made. To what is hardly less than a duty, allow me to add the
pleasure of dedicating to you, in earnest of my friendship and esteem, not
merely this volume, but the work of which this volume is the second.
Sincerely yours,
Rafael Sabatini
London, June, 1919.
My Dear Harold,
Some few years ago you and I, labouring jointly, delved into the romantic soil
of Carolinian history for certain elements from which to construct a play of
the American War of Independence. Out of these same elements I have now
fashioned this book, and in dedicating it to you I do so not merely as a
pledge of the warm esteem in which I hold you, but as an acknowledgement
that is due,
Believe me, my dear Harold,
Your friend,
Rafael Sabatini
London, November, 1924.
Last updated 19 January 2009. Any additions, concerns or problems about
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